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Allow embedded YouTube video to go fullscreen

Have you ever seen this little annoyance?

Full screen is unavailable

YouTube's tells you very little about how to solve it.

Thankfully, it's pretty simple.

Assuming you've been given some HTML to embed into your website, such as:
<iframe src="" width="480" height="400"></iframe>

Then you only need to add one attribute, allowfullscreen:
<iframe allowfullscreen src="" width="480" height="400"></iframe>
And that's it! It works!

Google's Rich Results Test incorrectly parses <iframe> Microdata

Google's Search Console has been pestering me for years about missing information in videos shared on Blogger. I have ignored this because I knew the information provided was correct.

However, I have recently launched a new website and wanted to validate the Microdata added to it, so I decided to go back to a that has had issues and try to solve them. Immediately the Rich Results Test reported a problem. A problem that only exists for Google.

VideoObject test results

Maybe the VideoObject is picked up as part of the Article?

Is the VideoObject picked up as part of Article?

Yes, but none of the details.

So what does the have to say on the subject? validates the Microdata

Nothing. It's happy. Everything is picked up and validates correctly.

Surely the validator from the official schema site must be correct. Just in case there was a bug in there somewhere I thought I'd give

Yandex validator test results

Well, it does a better job than Google but there is clearly something it is not happy about. It turns out that Yandex does not like having URLs in <meta> tags. I couldn't find anything in the HTML5 spec about this, but suggest using <link> and href instead.

Confusingly, states, in reference to the <link> tag:

The required rel attribute specifies the relationship between the current document and the linked document/resource.

This is only partially true. From the HTML5 :

A link element must have either a rel attribute or an itemprop attribute, but not both.

Despite being quite happy with my original layout, I caved in to Yandex and updated all my <meta content= tags to <link href= tags. This pleased Yandex.

Trying again with Google, just in case this was the issue, gave the same result. Indeed, to get Google to accept the Microdata I had to move it outside of the <iframe> tag. Google was unhappy about:

<div itemprop="sharedContent video" itemscope itemtype="">
  <iframe itemprop="embedUrl" src="foo.html">

So I changed it to:

<div itemprop="sharedContent video" itemscope itemtype="">
  <iframe itemprop="embedUrl" src="foo.html"><iframe>

Finally this made Google almost happy and the Microdata was picked up.

But, why would I put the Microdata in between <iframe> tags to begin with? Well, there was no reason not to. was happy with it, the code was invisible to the user, and it it looked a little bit neater to me. I have tried searching for the “rules” around data between the <iframe> tags and there doesn't seem to be any information about this. It doesn't seem to be defined. Once again: seems to be happy with this.

However, undefined might be the problem here: if something is not defined in a standard, such as HTML5, then the treatment and behaviour of such a practice is itself undefined. Maybe, then, it's not fair to say that Google incorrectly parses the data, rather it discards this data as undefined. I would love to reach out to Google about this, but as everybody knows there is no way to contact anyone at Google about anything. Which is nice.

..almost, you say? Sadly, yes. One problem remains for Google that isn't present for nor for Yandex.

Google's one remaining issue

Despite actually having itemprop="embedUrl" in the iframe tag, Google cannot pick this up. This time I believe this is Google's fault. The states:

Every HTML element may have an itemprop attribute specified

Each token must be either:

A valid URL string that is an absolute URL defined as an item property name allowed in this situation by a vocabulary specification

So, in my opinion, Google is erroneously missing this particular itemprop. The workaround? Move the itemprop into a new link element.

I'm not overly pleased that two search engines seem to disagree on how to implement Microdata. To apparently disagree with standards is even worse. Nonetheless I am now aware of the limitations of both Yandex and Google, and what I need to do to work around them.

Running Etherape without root or sudo

To run Etherape without having to use sudo each time then, after installation, run the following command:

sudo setcap cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin+eip /usr/bin/etherape

Your executable may be in another location.

Make sure you understand the security implications of doing this.

You will need your administrator to run this command for you if you do not have sudo access.

ATLAS@Home native app on Ubuntu Bionic

In case you haven't heard: the ATLAS@Home app is available for download in Linux. This app normally runs inside a Virtualbox VM, which is a good way to get things working with different operating systems, but adds the overhead of a virtual machine. This can be avoided when ATLAS@Home is running on your Ubuntu Bionic computer by following the steps outlined below.

First, let's make sure you have the essentials:

sudo apt update && sudo apt -y dist-upgrade
sudo apt install attr autofs curl boinc-client fuse gawk gdb lsb-release perl psmisc python2.7 singularity-container uuid-dev uuid wget

Next step is to add the repositories and install cvmfs.

wget \ \
sudo dpkg -i cvmfs*.deb

Before you continue, however, you may have noticed the following warning:

Warning: this distribution is not supported. Using Ubuntu 12.04 packages as fallback.
If you don't get this: excellent! If you do: it simply means that the repository hasn't been correctly configured for Bionic yet. The fix is simple enough:

sudo sed -i 's/precise/bionic/g' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cernvm.list
Note that an update to the cvmfs-release package may overwrite these changes, so you'll have to do it again.
Also note that, at time of writing, the Bionic repos have not been set up correctly, which is why you need to manually download the packages. If the packages change (usually due to a version update), you can find the required packages at Once the repositories are set up properly, the packages will update as expected.

And now a few more steps:

sudo cvmfs_config setup
printf ",,\nCVMFS_HTTP_PROXY=DIRECT\n" | sudo tee /etc/cvmfs/default.local
sudo systemctl restart autofs

Finally, check everything is okie dokie:

$ cvmfs_config probe
Probing /cvmfs/ OK
Probing /cvmfs/ OK
Probing /cvmfs/ OK


  • If you have a proxy, you should use that in place of CVMFS_HTTP_PROXY=DIRECT. However, this must be set to something or it will fail.
  • If you have a lot of machines and a server which runs all the time (such as a proxy server), you will probably be better off installing cvmfs on the server, and exporting the share over NFS. This will save a lot of duplication and inbound bandwidth.
  • At time of writing, none of the LHC@Home applications run on GPU for mainly historical reasons. Given improvements in the way VMs are handled this may change in the future. If you wish to use your GPU then you will also need to install the relevant drivers and libraries.
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